Couriers of Knowledge

The Importance of Patient Autonomy

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

The Importance of Patient Autonomy

Most people see a handful of doctors, some good some bad. Pro tip: signs of a good doctor is believing in and practicing patient autonomy. This would mean they support things like: getting second opinions, being able to choose the specific treatment you desire and think is best for you, and the opportunity to select the alternative treatments that you desire, openly and freely, and without hassle but help from "the expert'. Autonomy is defined by Merriam-Webster as: the quality or state of being self-governing. When we refer to patient autonomy, we are saying that every individual who is in...

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Massage and Health

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Massage and Health

Before you understand the benefits of massage, you have to consider that massage is just a form of healing. Physical manipulation of tissue, fascia, muscle fibers, veins, and arteries helps to promote the body's natural regenerative process. It happens normally, without massage. However, because of the stress-based environment that we typically find ourselves located in, it is highly beneficial to have support. Healing can be defined as an act intending to return from a damaged or "incomplete" state to one of total wholeness. The fact is that massage has existed before the birth of Christ and can be traced back...

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Energy Work

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Energy Work

Nikola Tesla once said that if you look at life from the perspectives of frequency, vibration, and energy that you would unlock the secrets of the Universe. Like many masters who have come before him, Tesla promoted the theory that there is more than just the physical, seen, or felt Universe. What do you feel physically when you think about something you love? Ever thought about the way watching certain events makes you invigorated, or thrilled? What about inspiration? Is there some form of correlation between “feeling bad” and physical dis-ease? And, what even is “energy”? The Matrix wasn't far...

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