Benjamin - The Sovereign

The Sovereign

A Bad Buddhist

Benjamin Baron

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When we say "Bad" we actually really do mean "Bad at Practicing the Dharma." Ben is a practitioner of a few traditions between shamanic and nature-rooted practices. His lineage traces through Vajrayana / Tibetan Buddhism. Benjamin's career in ministry dates back to his first residency program in the Los Angeles area in 2017 and after receiving his Masters of Divinity in 2016.


Since that time, Ben has taken his life and practice to honor part of his Buddhist vows that teach him "Serve the Numberless Beings" and to "Be a Light unto the Path for Others." Sharing in Dharma, Wisdom, and Healing modalities is what spawned the original seeds that would become Generous Kingdom. Truly, Ben would consider this all a "spirit-led" experience.


Benjamin's work is that in the realm of "Holistic Wellness". Whether this be in the form of sacred spiritual counseling, intuitive guidance coaching, reiki, massage, or even in the creation of sacred space and forming community events. Benjamin loves to consider himself as a the "Jack of All Trades" of the Royal Court.