Couriers of Knowledge

Sixth Chakra - Mind's Eye

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Sixth Chakra - Mind's Eye

Sanskrit Name; Meaning : Ajna; to perceive Location : Center of the forehead / center of eyebrows Affirmation: “I see.” Central Power : Intuition, Imagination Element : Light [1] Note: Chakras five through seven ascend beyond the physical elements Mind Arising through the chakras, we now find ourselves sitting at the literal “Mind’s Eye”, and about the second easiest to remember next to the heart chakra. This “All-Seeing Eye” is our infinite connection to divine consciousness and a glimpse into the things beyond what we can see. This center envelops our thoughts and consciousness that mark us as slightly different...

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Fifth Chakra - Throat

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Fifth Chakra - Throat

Sanskrit Name; Meaning : Vissudha; Purification Location : Throat Affirmation : “I speak.” Central Power : To speak and be heard Element : Sound [1] Note: Chakras five through seven ascend beyond the physical elements Mind As we ascend into the higher chakras, we are first presented with the fifth chakra. This is the first in the line of the “upper chakras” (five through seven) and thus is one of the first that extends just beyond the physical elements of earth, water, fire, and air. As the first of the ethers, an element that is believed to fill the upper...

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Fourth Chakra - Heart

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Fourth Chakra - Heart

Sanskrit Name; Meaning : Anahata; Unstruck Location : Heart / Chest area Affirmation : “I love.” Central Power : To love and be loved Element : Air [1] Mind The fourth chakra falls right in the middle of the seven major chakra centers; there are three chakras below associated more with the physical body and three chakras above associated more with the spiritual body. Because of this, the fourth chakra is a major gateway between the heavenly energies above and the earthly energies below. The heart chakra is in the middle of the seven chakras for a reason; it is...

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Third Chakra - Solar Plexus

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Third Chakra - Solar Plexus

Sanskrit Name; Meaning : Manipura; Lustrous Gem Location : Solar Plexus Affirmation : “I can.” Central Power : Volition / Willpower Element : Fire [1] Mind Will-power, control, and the desire to enact your own will on the world around you and over your specific life and dominion is all the rave about this chakra. While all of the chakras can be read or sensed energetically, the blaze of fire that can erupt from this place of “enacting one’s will” is what could lead to war, assault, violence, and the ever-prominent spirit of competition. Ever get into so intense of...

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Second Chakra - Sacral

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Second Chakra - Sacral

Sanskrit Name; Meaning : Svadhisthana; Sweetness Location : Abdomen, sexual organs, lower back and hips Affirmation: “I feel.” Center: Creativity, Sensuality, Emotion Element : Water[1] Mind If we were to think about the physical body as being the cup and base of the physical experience, it is the second chakra that gives it a watery flow that can make it both turbulent and peaceful. Emotions, with exception of rage, all emanate from this place. As does your feelings of creativity, lust, sexuality, and pleasure centers. Emotions have regularly been likened in traditions to that place of feeling and flow, just...

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