Seventh Chakra - Crown

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Sanskrit Name; Meaning : Sahasrana; Thousandfold
Location : Top of the Head
Affirmation : “I know.”
Central Power: Higher-minded consciousness
Element : Thought[1]
Note: Chakras five through seven ascend beyond the physical elements

The seventh or “crown” chakra is the gateway to other levels of consciousness and existence. The crown chakra represents the “God spot” or the point where everything and nothing exists. As no one lives in a hallway, no one lives in a gateway either, but rather in rooms. No one is consciously in their seventh chakra as they would be, say, in their second. It is necessary to make the distinction of the first and seventh chakras from chakras two through six. Just as much as it takes a whole first chakra to have a physical body and presence in this dimension, it takes a whole seventh chakra to have any concept of a true multi-dimensional reality.[2] Just like the sixth chakra is the place where we begin to see higher consciousness, the seventh chakra is the tie to higher consciousness.

Called the “crown chakra”, this space of energy is where our higher minds connect with God-like consciousness. It is here where we see aspects of transcendence, pure divinity, union with all, and belief systems. This is the chakra where we would be spiritually connected, and sitting with themes of wisdom, mastery, and a broad understanding of one’s Self and the universe.[3] It could be said that this is where we find more of that sense of the universality of all things. This chakra thrives in the god-like space, and that’s why its associated element wouldn’t be one at all!

When you begin to wonder where thoughts and visualization, inspiration and awe, and that divine guidance tend to flow through, you find that there is just something more out there and in the world. We receive knowledge and wisdom from above that helps us to see the things ahead and have a sense of connection with it.


The crown chakra sits where you think a crown might: right atop the head! Remember that “soft spot” that a baby’s head has upon its birth? While there is fact behind how the baby’s brain and skull are also softer to aid in birth, the spot atop the head is always the softest point as the skull is not fully formed while in utero. Further, this spot is where the divine connection flows most and openly after birth. There is a softness to this area until growth is found more through the first months of life. Eventually, it hardens as one could argue the spirit anchors fully into the body.

Similar to the sixth chakra, this chakra ties into the mind and into consciousness. Issues related to amnesia, cognitive delusions, and migraines find their home here; just as with the mind’s eyes of seeing, the consciousness spot of the divine is always about the highest point and perception in the human body. People who are comatose tend to have this chakra impacted greatly.[4]


Mindfulness is the essential key to living a conscious life. It is the fundamental quality to cultivate in the crown chakra, for it becomes the lens that guides the journey as well as the healing salve for the scrapes and bruises that we get along the way. Most of those scrapes occurred because of lack of mindfulness. Mindfulness means paying attention.[5] When we invite in mindfulness and consciousness into our awareness, we always begin to “see” things from the highest perspectives. Consciousness, though, isn’t like “seeing” the world with regards to the sixth chakra. It is about a “knowing” of the world, a “knowing” of one Self, and a “knowing” of things like God, buddha-potential, or nirvana.

Seated atop our head the same way a king sits atop his throne, this chakra ties us into themes of divine patience and planning, subtle energies into things such as clairsentience or clairvoyance, and is often referred to as “the seat of God on earth.” As energy flows up and through the top of the head, extending the consciousness of a human being into the greater universe around it, it also receives information and wisdom “coming down from above.” If we consider the chakras as the ever-spinning balls of energy that they are, this center is where energy shoots up and out and comes down and into the human body from the ever greater all-that-is.

The access point through the seventh chakra represents the point where everything and nothing exists, and it is the grasping of this point that allows the transcendence of the limitations of a physical existence into the seamlessness of the Oneness that includes a physical existence.[6]


[1] Judith, A. (2006). Introduction: Sacred Centers of the Self. In Eastern body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra system as a Path to the Self (pp. 10-11). essay, Alchemy.
[2] Jelusich, R. (2004). Chapter Thirteen: Seventh Chakra - Zero Point. In Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras (pp. 207). essay, Lotus.
[3] Judith, A. (2006). Chakra Seven: Opening to the Mystery of Heaven. In Eastern body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra system as a Path to the Self (pp. 390). essay, Alchemy.
[4] Judith, A. (2006). Chakra Seven: Opening to the Mystery of Heaven. In Eastern body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra system as a Path to the Self (pp. 391). essay, Alchemy.
[5] Judith, A. (2006). Chakra Seven: Opening to the Mystery of Heaven. In Eastern body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra system as a Path to the Self (pp. 425). essay, Alchemy.
[6] Jelusich, R. (2004). Chapter Thirteen: Seventh Chakra - Zero Point. In Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras (pp. 210). essay, Lotus.

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