First Chakra - Root

Posted by Benjamin Baron on

Sanskrit Name; Meaning : Muladhara; Root
Location : Base of the Spine
Affirmation : “I am.”
Central Power : Survival
Element : Earth[1]

Just like any good system, you need a foundation, framework, or a base to build from. Considering that the first chakra is based in the earth element? It is best to see that this earth-like container is quite literally your whole physical body. Without the physical, the “I am” of existence, you wouldn’t be able to build into anywhere else. Before you can be molded, you must first start with the clay.

The basic survival, such as the need to eat food, drink fluids, and to have things such as shelter, physical safety, and basic comfort, is what is rooted here. The first chakra is best understood as the cup that begins to hold together the rest of the system. It’s direct connection to the earth, quite literally found when you are sitting on the ground, is the first place that the etheric flow goes in and out through the rest of the energy system. It is considered the generator of the physical reality. The first chakra makes life. It makes all physical form. This chakra holds the animated physical form as well as the drive for physical life.[2]


At the base of the body, we want to focus ourselves on the legs. The base of the spine, feet, knees, large intestine and buttocks are involved here. The basic ability just to stand allows us to connect to the earth, and those who cannot can still feel the power in their body at its lowest points. Someone with this well functioning chakra will find themselves in good health, with a sense of trust in the world, emitting both stability and appropriate physical growth.

People with issues in this chakra may be overweight or underweight, experience an inability to settle, and be potentially sluggish. Think about “being pulled down” and “living too heavy”. Think about issues with the knees and being grounded in the world, even to include financial responsibility. This could also show up as “being too rocky” or “rigid”.[3]


Grounding is the point of the first chakra. It takes a whole chakra (the root) just to have a physical existence: the root chakra is most effective in representing survivability and existence, or just merely having a physical presence in the third dimension.[4] Considering it is the flow point between the human body and the earth, it comes as no surprise that this chakra spends its entire spinning field giving us the energetic support to the physical body that we have. With this understanding, we can look into the deepest connection that we have: the earth itself.

If you’ve never considered the concept of “Mother Earth” or “The Earth Mother” or “Pachamama”, then let me open the thought: the earth itself, even just as a planet, is an all-encompassing energy both physical and spiritual. It’s oddly the perfect place for the human being to exist, if we think about our connection to the earth as literally being what provides us with all our physical needs: food, water, and air all come from the earth, in one way or another. Taking in this concept to a spiritual perspective helps us connect to the very essence of the first chakra: our right to be here and live.

Our right to live is given to us by the earth. Considering this connection is why you can head out into your local park, or go on a nature walk, and feel this deep sense of revitalization. Try swimming in a natural pool from time to time to reconnect those deepest senses!


[1] Judith, A. (2006). Introduction: Sacred Centers of the Self. In Eastern body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra system as a Path to the Self (pp. 10-11). essay, Alchemy.
[2] Bruyere, R. L. (1994). CHAPTER SECTION. In Wheels of Light: Chakras, Auras and the Healing Energy of the Body (pp. 143). essay, Simon & Schuster
[3] Judith, A. (2006). Introduction: Sacred Centers of the Self. In Eastern body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra system as a Path to the Self (pp. 52-53). essay, Alchemy.
[4] Jelusich, R. (2004). CHAPTer CHAPTER. In Eye of the Lotus: Psychology of the Chakras (pp. 27-28). essay, Lotus.

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